Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Work wonders with a low cash bank!

Low Cash Bank

A Hong Kong Ultra Bank started with just one or three coins?

Yes, you and I can do this!  Start one or three today!!

There is a very simple way of starting with very small sums of money, and doing
exciting things!

Since a bank is "a pool of money", set aside a small amount of money, say 5 cents, and do this:

Name your Ultra Bank.

OK, we'll call this Outer Idaho Fun(d).

State one to three things that you can use this money for.

So we think about it and say, OK, 2 purposes, one is to donate money to charities that
feed hungry children and two, to create a cell phone money messaging system.

So you have decided, hey, I have a bank! And you have also decided to Name your bank (it looks good on a t-shirt!)
and you have chosen two missions for any money that goes into that Ultra Bank.

Why do I call it an Ultra Bank?

A regular bank, chartered and licensed, puts your money into savings and checking accounts, and loans you money.
Your Ultra Bank?
It simply gives away money!  See Proverbs 11:24 for an expanded meaning.
Your Ultra Bank can give away money AND do something very very fun and cool!
You can have as many Ultra Banks as you want!  One, two, ten, twenty....  !!!
Have fun, love humanity all the time, live in joy!

Thank you!

Alex Martin
Martin Beverly Hills

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